Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 3 - Sammie's Slayers

Bit of a delay in posting this one, but that's because I wrote whilst flying over the US, Canada and the Atlantic.

I'm now on terra firma and able to post the next story. I have to admit it was a little challenging to keep on track whilst flying home from the US. There was one point were the entire plane (or maybe not everyone and I hope not the pilot) was asleep and there was me with my little light on typing away.

I finally finished it with my dog at my feet (who I'm surprised recognises me given I've been away for a month) and it's now online.

This one was inspired by a film made here in the UK (I think in the 70s, I may be wrong) called 'One of our dinosaurs is missing'. It's a great kids movie, very british. I have no idea but it was in my head one day and I instantly changed the name of the movie in my head to 'One of my ghosts is missing'. That was the working title for this story until I got to the second last paragraph and decided to call Sammie's army 'Sammie's slayers' so decided on that instead.

I love writing ghost stories. I always wrote them as a kid but didn't want to write a trite scary ghost story so opted for one with a bit of a quirk to it. I have to admit I had fun on the plane thinking of all the weird and stupid things that Horace did. I particularly loved the idea of him rearranging and moving buildings.

Anyway, enjoy

The Imaginary Scrapbook

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