Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 29 - The Tuesday effect

I had to dig deep to get into this one. I've never had an imaginary friend so can't speak from experience but I do know what it's like to move from place to place as a child and have to connect with new kids, who have already formed friendships and cliques, and get to know a new place, new country and new accents. It was that and my own sense of hard-nosed independence that allowed me to get into the heads of both Bobby and her mother. I guess there's a part of me in both of them.

Originally my idea was to have the mother and daughter reminisce over memorabilia from the daughter's life and that moving home wouldn't change who she was or that she wouldn't loose a part of her life, her identity but as I started to write it a much darker element crept in that I hadn't anticipated and the story took a completely different route. Sometimes I like that but when it's unexpected and when another story has already been fleshed out a story it makes the writing process that much more challenging. But then if writing wasn't challenging why would we bother to do it.


The Imaginary Scrapbook

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