Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 10 - Ghost Writer

So I've made it into double figures. Ten down three hundred and fifty five to go! Phew.

Actually this one I really enjoyed writing. I do love a good ghost story. I came up with the idea this morning as I was thinking about my premise and whilst I was reading an article on the web there was an advert for a 'ghostwriter'. I wanted to write a ghost story with a bit of a twist and when I read that word literally as a ghost who writes I decided that a story about a ghost that wanted to write but couldn't because he couldn't grip a pen was an intriging idea. That coupled with the fact that I've been doing research recently into the second world war for another novel idea I have, I naturally felt my ghost should have died in the war.

Again as per my previous post, because I had a simple premise I was able to write this one quite fluidly, although because of its length I didn't actually finish it until 9pm. Just as well I only have a dog to look after. Although having said that I'm sure he thinks I've as good as abandoned him.


The Imaginary Scrapbook

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