Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 28 - The 49ers

So this one was a little evolutionary. The premise didn't come immediately but it did come strongly and I've come to realise that when they do that is when I have a solid story to tell.

I thought about a story where a girl catches a thief and when I started to research juvenile crime I found an interesting statistic that 'shoplifters get caught about once every 49 times they steal'. The story and the two characters Catherine and Lloyd evolved from there.

I knew I wanted to base the story on denial of identity as it's a subject I can in some way relate to so decided to have a character who struggles with the idea of being different whilst the other is desperate to be different. Really its all about acceptance of who you are but when you're a kid you don't accept yourself. You always want to be the other girl in the class, the prettier one, the more popular one, the more intelligent one, the sportier one. We're never truly happy with ourselves until we accept who we are.

Anyway its up and ready to read. Enjoy

The Imaginary Scrapbook

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