Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 26 - Dodgers

The idea for this story came to me on my way to Starbucks this morning. I had no idea what I was going to write and as I drove from my parents house to St Andrews I passed a familiar sight (which will come as no surprise to any country-dweller): a dead rabbit on the road side. All I could see what its fluffy, white behind stick up off the road. That's when I got to thinking about a daredevil bunny, an adrenalin junkie (or bunkie perhaps). I thought though that the idea of a brash character getting its comeuppance was a little trite so the idea of a sibling coming to its rescue and realising it had something within him that could bring him out of the stalemate of his life was really appealing. It's funny though as whilst I'm writing this post I've realised that that is exactly what this whole project is doing for me. It's bringing me out of the stalemate of my life. A case of art imitating life, me thinks!

Anyway the writing of this one was a little harder as I had to keep reminding myself that I was writing it from the perspective of an animal that doesn't know what he's observing, like the 'beasts with eyes'. So as a consequence I did more editing to this one than with the others. But I'm happy with it now. I hope you are too!

The Imaginary Scrapbook

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