Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 53 - Soaring

There was a major accident at a crossroads near where my parents live, yesterday. It's a terrible accident black spot as people using both the roads that intersect each other as though they're formula one tracks. The occasions I've been past it and seen fresh bunches of flowers tied to the fence, I've always felt very melancholy. Such a senseless waste.

Anyhow I was feeling pretty somber about it as although it was a bad accident I don't think there were any fatalities (or at least that's what I'm hoping). But with that in mind I couldn't help but filter it into a story. And so I created 'Soaring'. The tale of a girl (who's sex is only revealed by her bike), that has been in an accident and is between worlds.

I always find writing emotional drama a bit challenging. I'm never sure if I'm emotive enough without being overpowering. Well I'll leave it for you to decide.


The Imaginary Scrapbook

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