Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 38 - The last pawn

I honestly don't know where the idea for this one came from. I think my warped, sadistic mind was on overdrive as the notion of having a human chessboard crept in.

Fortunately I came up with this one yesterday so I had some time to think about it. I had a few ideas as to how I wanted to put it together, but they all seemed unnecessarily complicated and would have meant the story was twice as long as it actually was. So I basically divided it up into three key scenes. That's the formula I'm trying to use for all my stories to keep them as brief as possible. Sometimes it doesn't work but then that's life.

As turned out the story took longer for me to write than I expected. At 11.30pm I gave up trying to finish it on the day so posted what I could and finished the rest on Friday. I can safely say that this week has been really difficult. But I'm soldiering on. No pain no gain, right?


The Imaginary Scrapbook

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