Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 41 - Walter the dead genius

I'm wrestling with the 'show don't tell' issue at the moment. I'm finding that in order to keep the stories to a minimum in terms of length I'm having to put some element of telling into the story as a background, otherwise the stories would be ridiculously long. I noticed it particularly with this story. When I felt there was too much telling I went back over it and injected some dialogue to break it up. Being conscious of pace etc I'm feeling its necessary to get some kind of balance between the two. What do you think?

Also I'm realising that I could not live without the internet. I mean my everyday life would suffer but my writing and this project would be seriously compromised. Having any information at your finger tips is incredibly valuable. For example, take this story. How much time would it have taken me to find a picture of a 19th century school boy that I could use for one line in the story? With the net I got it in 60 seconds. I know you know that but did you really stop and think?


The Imaginary Scrapbook

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