Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 44 - Forty winks in forty words

When I was washing up tonight the number forty popped into my mind. Not sure why. It may have been down to the fact that I had just been counting how many spiders were dangling outside my kitchen window (luckily there were not 40, just 8, otherwise I would be writing this blog from the other side of the planet!). I knew I wanted to write a really short story and so when this number landed in my head I immediately thought forty winks. It was the first thing that came to me. From there the idea of writing a dream in forty words that had a beginning a middle and an end. A tall order.

The more I thought about the dream state the more I realised that when we all go to bed, even as a child, we have the weight of the world upon our shoulders. Granted the types of problems kids worry about are different to those adults worry about but the prinicipal is the same. Then when we awake we are refreshed. The problems of the day before diminish, to make way for new ones. Inbetween that time is dream time. The idea of traversing your childhood in a night, picking out the elements of it that evoke the most happiness seemed like the perfect way to go from troubled to calm.


The Imaginary Scrapbook

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