Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 47 - The purple pirates

Its funny how you react when life throws you a curve ball isn't it?

I admit that I'm completely not happy with this story. I'm not going to make excuses but given this is a blog about writing and how life impacts on writing I feel I should divulge why I'm not happy.

My dog is not well at the moment. He's not been well for sometime and today it came to a head, of sorts. I'll back up a bit here. My dog is 12 years old. He's been with me since he was 12 weeks old. Both of us have been through the mill over the years but we have a pretty comfortable life now. However, my dog has severe arthritis. He was diagnosed when he was 6 years old and although I was told it was going to get worse as he got older, inspite of taking medication to ease the condition, I secretly was in denial that that was going to happen. The last few weeks he's shown signs of deterioration-inability to climb the stairs to my flat, general sluggishness when out for a walk. Yesterday I had to physically coax him down the stairs to go for a walk with choc drops. To see him standing at the top of the stairs, trembling because he wanted to come down but couldn't work out how to do it was heartbreaking. After a trip to the vet it became a reality that I was going to have to give him up at some point to my parents (who live in a cottage with no stairs). He's with them at the moment whilst he goes through a new course of medication. So I'm feeling blue and it's causing a mental block in my brain.

Anyway there it is.

The Imaginary Scrapbook

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