Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 40 - TIDI

So I came up with this one as I was lying in bed this morning. My alarm went off at 8am and I realised 'I have to write a story before noon'. The reason for the urgency, as readers may remember from yesterday's post, was the wine tasting afternoon. Two hundred reds, whites, roses and champagnes. It was a really enjoyable day, and I felt vindicated when I managed to guess an expensive wine against a cheap wine. Although the event was from noon until 4pm my friend and I only lasted until 2. By then we were feeling a little woozy (not enough spitoons), so, with a touch of the munchies, we continued our refined afternoon with a visit to the local cheese shop, I M Mellis(I love this place even though it smells of feet), and spent what felt like a months salary on cheese. Then after a trip to the bakers for a french stick and, what I can only describe as heaven in a bun, the famous Fisher and Donaldson fudge donuts (ah mahoney!), we were set for picnicing in the sunshine.

As for the story. I was pleased with how quickly this one came out. It was proof really that I can commit and produce something with little time on my hands. I also think that when my deadline for production is tight my writing is much more succinct. What do you think?
Anyway the idea came from a kid's drawing of a robot, which got me thinking what if a boy invented a robot that did his chores, and what would happen if he overworked it. And thus TIDI was born: the Technological Initiator of Direct Instructions.


The Imaginary Scrapbook

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