Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 73 - The Countess's teacups

My grandmother had a teaset, 'Ascot Princess 22ct', that I've loved ever since I was a child. My mum has it at the moment but will bequeath it to me one day owing to my love of it. It's a beautiful bone china set that's a delicate pink with 22ct gold trimming and floral detailing. I just adore this set, but sadly one or two of the pieces are missing (I think a cake plate and a cup). I've tried looking online to see if I can find replacements without success. I thought about it again tonight and that was what got me onto the idea of a demanding princess or some sort of stately person that has ten of everything and when her precious tea set is broken a quest to complete the set begins.

This story came right out of my head and onto the page when I began writing it, and in a formal tone, which is what I seem to be more comfortable with. However getting the twist at the end was a little harder to come by. I wanted it to be a smart resolution to the problem not simply making two new cups. So for about an hour and a half I puzzled over different scenarios and it was only when I temporarily gave up trying, so I could go and dry my hair, that I came up with the answer. I won't spoil it for those that haven't read it but I think it works quite neatly.


The Imaginary Scrapbook

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