Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 67 - Red Kindel's gift

Guy Fawkes night deserves a Guy Fawkesy story.

Originally I was going to write about a boy that builds the world's largest firework rocket, but decided against it as I figured it might be viewed as promoting pyromania amongst kids. So I went with another kind of story, a more fable based story about a traveller bringing the gift of fire to a village that has never seen it. Bedazzled by the magic of the flames my two protagonists willing provide shelter to the traveller in exchange for the power of fire, but despite the warnings one succumbs to the flames.

Naturally I didn't want to be too didactic in the story-telling so didn't focus too much on the 'don't play with fire' mantra although I do mention it. I wanted to play on how kids are easily bedazzled by it and for them to realise that it's more than just magical, it can be dangerous. I hope it worked.


The Imaginary Scrapbook

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