Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 71 - One too many

So there I was, sat on my sofa with sopping hair at 8.45pm with no idea what I was going to write. Does this happen to you? Well it happens to me a lot, particularly at the moment. It was my first day back at work today after a week off with Bronchitis and I felt like I'd gone from 0 to 60 in a millisecond. I came home with a raging headache, feeling dizzy from rushing about all day having had little to eat for most of last week and was suddenly braced with the thought that I had to write something today. So as I stared out into the cosmos, as a barren writer is apt to do when her muse has buggered off for the evening, hoping for a flickering bulb of inspiration when TADA! an idea popped into my head. No it didn't get in there by pure chance, I was actually looking at the mound of rocks I have in a bowl on my coffee table.

This was where my idea came. I have a collection of rocks, albeit not as extensive as my protagonist Constance,to commemorate various holidays I've been on both in the UK and abroad. It's a pretty collection of quartzite, alabaster, sandstone and other striated stones whose geological names escape me, but gave me the idea of a girl that collects so many her house tips over.

I do love writing these quick quip stories. I'm wondering if I should concentrate more on doing these kinds of stories. What do you think?


The Imaginary Scrapbook

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