Monday, May 4, 2009

The merit of procrastination

"Procrastinate now, don't put it off!" said Ellen De Generes.

I'm a believer! After nine years, from the moment I came up with the bare bones of an idea, I finally finished my first book. Okay the last four were spent on the actual writing and editing part, but it has made me question the merits of protracted completion of such a mammoth project. I'm totally convinced that if I had tried to pitch my book to agents when I thought I'd finished it, some two years ago, it would never have seen the light of day and my dream of becoming a published writer would have been as pointless as a broken pencil. And though it still is very much a dream at this stage I'm 100% happier with the way the book has evolved over the last two years. I'm sure Darwin would have something to say on the subject if literature came under his theory of natural selection. How many other books might have been published if only they'd been nutured for a little bit longer? Are we in too much of a hurry? Do Darwin's laws of 'survival of the fittest' actually apply here too?

That's just one reason to procrastinate...for 101 other reasons check out this site, - my personal favourite excuse is "I'm attending another writer's retreat" - speaking of which, anyone attending the SCBWI conference in LA in August?

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