Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dundee Literary Festival 2009

So yours truly is appearing at this year's Dundee Literary Festival in two capacities. Firstly, I'm introducing the fabulous Anne Fine who will be speaking about her yet to be released book (I'm still awaiting its arrival in the post so I can read it before hand!) and chair a question and answer session afterwards. I'm always nervous when it comes to meeting such well respected authors but will have the priviledge of meeting her at a dinner the night before so I'm hoping to put my butterflies to rest before the big day.

Also, given that New Writing Dundee 2009 is officially being launched at the festival, I shall be reading an excerpt from my published short story, as mentioned in my previous post, "The Magic of Murder". There will be other authors reading excerpts from there stories along with musical entertainment from Fest 'n' Furious.

Tickets for the Anne Fine event can be purchased from the Dundee Lit Fest website,, and the launch of New Writing Dundee is free. So come along and enjoy the best of what the UK has to offer!

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